martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007

Why do women live longer than men?

Once again I am here trying to break the world wide record of being sitting in front of a computer screen. The last person who set a world record spent three days in front of a computer but unfortunately, he paid an ultimate price, he died because of a heart attack. I hope not to have the same outcome, and to prevent me from suffering a heart attack I will change the batteries of my by pass.

I seem to be running a one-man crusade against entries so that is why I decided to take into consideration some myths which involve different types of topics.

It is said that women live about six years longer than men. Evidence suggests that boys are the weaker sex at birth, which means that more die in infancy. Also women do not have, as much heart disease as men. In terms of lifestyle, men smoke more than women and thus more die of smoking related diseases. They drink more and are more aggressive in behaviour, particularly when driving cars, so they are more likely to die in accidents. Also, they generally have more dangerous occupations, such as building work.

Why is the expression “Mayday” used as a distress call?

The term mayday is the internationally recognized radio telephone signal of distress. It is only used when a ship is in great danger and needs help immediately. The signal is transmitted on a wavelength of 2,182 kHz, which is permanently monitored by rescue services on the shore. The use of the expressions has a very straightforward explanation.

It simply came form the French phrase “m’aidez” which means help me. It was officially adopted internationally in 1927

Why are horseshoes believed to be lucky?

So far, I have devoted a long time to find out accurate explanations for my research. Since now, mankind owes me a lot because through out my research people have found answers for their unanswered questions.

In 1700, a French man called Henry Misson, visiting Britain, asked villagers why they had horseshoes nailed above their doors.

They said that it was to keep witches away. Horseshoes are made of iron and the strength of the iron was thought to protect from evil.

Still today they are thought to bring good luck and many brides carry silver ones at their wedding.

The position of the horseshoe is very important. It must point upwards like a cup so that the luck cannot fall out.

The Prison industry

It is widely recognised that only a few cities, especially those with a large number of inhabitants and with a high status in the country are able to satisfy what population really needs, that is, in a way or another cities apply several hard measures in order to avoid having to face up with some controversial issue, for example criminal activities.

To start with, criminals’ actions seem to be a controversial issue to deal with. It is known that several cities reduce rate crime indexes by keeping the most dangerous criminals away from society by sending them to prison, but is it so?

It is generally believed that the main purpose of jails is to punish people who have done something wrong. But should this kind of punishment be used for people who have committed heinous crimes?

Day after day our local justice headquarters is blamed for not spreading out justice. Criminals take advantage of being sent to prison, a place which provides criminals with intellectual weapons for their future achievements, that is to say, educational programmes are intended for criminals not to mention the fact that prisoners can learn new skills to prepare them for life when they leave prison.

In my view, I think that criminals in most of the cases only deserve death penalty. Every single day we are witness of macabre episodes carry out by criminals. They snatch the lives of innocent no matter the age, ranging from babies to older people. What is more; criminals stay for no longer than a few minutes as a price for rapping and killing angels whose age goes from one month to a year old.

But after a while criminals are released in order to continue killing innocent people just for pleasure. That is why I think death penalty should be applied as a potential solution to reduce crime and build up a better place to live in.

I need more entries!

I have been typing since this morning, trying to fulfil my language requirements of reaching 53 entries. So I have been reading articles from different sources which could provide me with food for thought because I do not know what else to take into consideration in order to build up a critical thinking which help me to overcome my burdens. And thanks god, I found an article which I found it quite interesting.

The article is related to playing computers games which highlights the fact that parents worried about their children spending hours on their playstation may be all wrong because it could actually be time well spent. Researchers found that gamers who play up to eighteen hours a week seem able to focus on what they are doing better than other people, have better co-ordination, and far from being antisocial, computers nerds find it very easy to form friendship s than children who prefer activities as reading and watching tv. But a group of scientists in Japan have found that gaming develops only vision and movement, but not the parts of the brain associated with learning, emotion or behaviour.


Quoting the rock band U2, “I still can’t find what I’ve been looking for”, is it necessary to say that I could not accomplish the mission which gives meaning to my life “ENTRIES”.

For today, I have an interesting topic which often generates a great deal of heating debate. Exercise nowadays knows the benefits of physical exercise but some scientists claim the key to staying slim and keeping fit is to eat less and take intensive exercise such as walking or cycling. People who take intensive exercise often reward themselves by spending the rest of the day in front of the TV. It is said that at the same time they have to eat more to give them energy for the next workout.

To avoid weight gain, it’s better to take gentle exercise in building over a long period. And it is believed that spending a couple of hours a day doing absolutely nothing is more effective than exercise in building immunity and prolonging life.

We always think that we have to be achieving something but just vegetating for half your free time could be healthier.

Best man’s friend

Over the past years, scientists claim that in the future they will be able to design the perfect human being through out the use of sophisticated medical procedures.

However, diseases such as cancer seems to be a very difficult issue to deal with if not unsolvable, since even today this complex disease “cancer” can not be detected so people can live with this disease without noticing it.

It is said that the early detection of cancer greatly improves a patient’s survival chances, and researches hope that man’s best friend the dog can become an important tool in early screening.

Scientists claim that dogs can identify chemical traces in the range of part per trillion. Studies have confirmed the ability of trained dogs to detect skin cancer and breast cancer between 88 and 97 percent of the time.

There is no any kind of sophisticated system which equals the precision of dog’s nose. Taking everything into consideration I think that no one would be able to reject the idea that man’s best friend is the dog.

After katrina

I have just finished reading an article which I found quite interesting. The article was related to the hurricane Katrina. In the last few years there have been incidents involving not only human beings but also animal life as protagonists of serious disasters.

It is known that a natural disaster caused serious damage and thousand of people became homeless as a consequence of the so-called hurricane Katrina.

According to this article we are able to appreciate the close relationship between human beings and animal life.

It is said that many people refused to forsake their pets. Although, people were exposed to this kind of haphazard, they decided to seek a refuge from the rising flood water in order to help themselves and also the lives of their pets. I am of the opinion that this kind of situation often provides us with food for thought.

Currently, we are witnesses of macabre episodes in which parents forsake or what is worst kill their children in order to avoid responsibility. However, through out this article, we are able to understand the true love in human beings, and of course the strong connection between man and animal.

Why is walking under ladders believed to be unlucky?

There are a few explanations for this. The most common is that someone on the ladder might be holding a pot of paint or a bucket of water which could drop on you if you walked underneath.

Another explanation relates to the tyburn gallows at what is now Marble Arch in London. Until 1783 criminals climbed a ladder to the gallows with a rope round their neck and this was then kicked from under them. The belief grew that walking under a ladder invited death.

Why do they drive on the left in Britain and on the right in other in other countries?

Yes, thanks God, I spent almost three days typing and typing and I did not face death. As you know, I decided to take into consideration some questions which were supposed to be deprived of a proper explanation but I am here to reveal every single implication.

Have you ever wondered why people in some places often drive to the left, the reason for this goes back to the days when people travelled by horse. Most people are right handed and thus the left is the natural way to side to ride and if you are on a horseback and need your right hand to hold something in case of trouble. So why didn’t the rest of the world do the same? Because of Napoleon Bonaparte.

He insisted that his armies marched on the right, and as he marched through Europe, he impose his rule whenever he went. In the twentieth century Adolf Hitler did the same. The question suggest that only the British drive on the left, but in fact, out of 178 countries in the world, there are about 50 that drive on the left, including Japan. However, most of them are former British colonies.

US immigrants

Illegal immigration is a very difficult issue to deal with and a hot political Topic as well in the United Status.

There are thought to be about 11,5 million illegal immigrants in the US. Many of these people are poorly educated, unskilled workers who fill the sort of jobs that most native-born Americans will not take, at least not for the same price.

It is said that much of California’s agriculture relies on migrant labour. England is another remarkable example of immigration as a secret success. It is said that immigration works for better for Britain than Britonz notice.

Some surveys which were carried out on different locations shown as a result that Britain and Ireland were the only EU countries that provided an open door to workers from accession countries.

It is claimed that their work ethic, that is, immigrant work is high, they are very disciplined, enthusiastic, responsible and their attendance is fantastic.

What European people just want to have a better life, unfortunately immigrants tend to forsake their own identity, beliefs, expectations and ambitious in seek of a prosperous future for them and for their families as well. But sometimes the price they have to pay is quite high.

Living alone

Some surveys which were carried out on a group of teenagers have shown as a result that a great majority of the adolescents interviewed have a preference to live unaccompanied as opposed to live in the company of their families.

It is said that the fact of living alone provides youngsters with freedom and privacy, which are seem as remarkable advantages for people who usually live alone.

To start with, living alone may have its several advantages which are crucially involved with freedom. It is widely recognised that freedom is one of the most important features that teen look for. Currently, there is a great number of teenagers who live single-handedly just because they want to be independent and not dependable of their parents, not to mention the fact youngsters do not have to fulfil other expectations such as daily household tasks which range from get up at eight o’clock in the morning, have lunch at moon, arrive home at the time established by parents among others. It is seemed to be that adolescents are more interested in creating their own world under their own rules without taking into consideration external rules imposed by others.

Secondly, privacy seems to be another important feature to take into consideration. A great number of teens usually have to share their rooms with a sibling and, as a consequence, many of them cannot expressed or act by themselves due to there is always someone in front of them, that critize the way the way in which teenagers achieve what they need. This is one of the many reasons why teens choose to live alone in order to create a world based on their own principles or ideas.

On the other hand, living alone may have its drawbacks. In some case several youngsters lose contact with their families because they are more interested in exploring a world without boundaries. Teens often prefer to live in an isolated way what is more, adolescents are blamed for forgetting one of the so called pillars in which every single community rest which is the family.

Taking everything into account, living alone has it both advantages and disadvantages. Although this new way life make our lives easier in many ways, it has created some problems in the structure of some families. But while it has created problems we should think carefully before dismissing its many advantages

Heinous crime

I have just finished reading an article which is crucially involved with the killing of at least fifteen high school students and teachers at columbine high school in Littleton.

Colorado has left America stunned and sickened. Scenes of wounded youth, images of terrified young girls describing how students around them were systematically murdered in a school library. All of this provokes horror, sadness and what is more anger.

So many questions still live unanswered, that is, can anyone with a functioning brain or eyes continue to argue at this point that these terrible incidents are not expressions of profound social tendencies? What is going on in that country?

In my view, I think that this irrational reaction taking into consideration this macabre episode is crucially involved with the violence that the US is presently unleashing on the world.

At this age of high-tech wars, the pentagon conducts wars which allow the US military to kill thousands of innocents people at random; what is more the media packages the war as entertainment without real consequence- at least for Americans.

It is widely recognised that without any reasonable explanation the American military is dropping bombs and missiles against Iraq which have come under attack in recent months. US forces burst into a country and start shooting it up.

To sump up, each international horror resembles a crime scene in which American fingerprints are inevitably found

Watching soap operas on TV

Finally, a surprising piece of research that shows people who regularly watch soap operas are significantly happier than those who don’t. Psychologists believe that this is because such programmes provide viewers with an imaginary set of friends, and a sense of belonging to a community. “It works in rather the same way as a membership of a club, or church.

From this moment onwards, I will take into account tadeo’s piece of advice. He once told me he never miss any chapter regarding “pasion de gavilanes”, now I fully understand why.

Eating chocolate

I continue typing and because of that I lost my fingerprints but anyways I just want to be rewarded as some characters in Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales. To be rewarded with a paradise where every single idea of using a computer functions as a paradox in any sense. Yesterday, I spent the night looking for my insides in front of the computer when I wondered myself what is in store for us once we pass away, is there any possibility of having internet in heaven? Because I accustomed to have a parallel life involving my family, my lovers, my life and of course my ENTRIES.

The topic for today is chocolate. Ever heard of the old saying “a little of what you fancy does you good”? Well, if you are a chocolate fan there is good news! Recent studies have revealed that chemicals found in chocolate can protect you from a variety of minor illnesses including colds, coughs, depression and even help to reduce the risk of heart diseases!

Being married

“Every women should marry- and no man” commented one wit almost 150 years ago. But scientific evidence has tended to suggest that it is men who find happiness through marriage more than women.

It has been shown that single men are the happiest. But a study from revealed that women do benefit as well: twenty five per cent of single people were miserable, compared with only thirteen percent of married people.

Among the women surveyed, those who were married with children and job had the fewest mental health problems.

Low self-esteem

The feeling of being undervalued can damage your health. Researches show that employees who suffer constant criticism, or feeling out of control at work, are much more likely to suffer from back problems. Depression, says one researcher, is actually far more likely to cause backache than heavy lifting!

A low-fat diet

I have been in front of this computer screen for at least four hours and because of this my eyes are red as if I had been eating insects. The theme of carrying out entries is a recurrent motif in my life.

For today, I have a quite interesting article which is closely related to the issue of low fat diet. As we know, a low fat diet may be good for your waistline, but the latest research suggests that it is less beneficial psychologically.

A team of scientist asked to follow a diet consisting of just twenty five percent fat (which is considered to be the level recommended by the world health organization) reported increased feelings of depression and hostility towards others.

One reason perhaps that people on low fat diets are apparently more likely to meet a violent death!

Now I can understand everything quite accurately, what I mean is that now I am able to figure out why some members of our society often kill each other. The only thing to blame is a low fat diet.

martes, 14 de agosto de 2007

Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

Over the past few years scientists have made major discoveries in the field of technology. Recent scientists’ evidence suggest that beauty is objective and quantifiable due to a remarkable scientist, who believes that he has discovered a formula for measuring beauty.

A doctor has discovered a practical way of measuring beauty, which he calls the mask. This is a series of lines and shapes making up a face. There are specific set distances between all the features and the outside shapes and it shows the exact proportions that the ideal beauty face should have.
By lying the mask over a photograph of a face, it is possible to see how attractive someone is. The more a face fits the mask, the more beautiful it is said to be. The fact that the mask can measure beauty of men women and people of different races makes it a particular useful instrument.

On the other hand, it is alarming to think that if we all start changing the way we look, there may seen be thousands of individuals wandering the streets of any single city looking exactly the same. But it is even more alarming that people may begin to think that they are unattractive if their face does not have the proportions of the mask.
This would be a great mistake because there are two sorts of beauty; one is the beauty of the mask, the measurable beauty of the face. The other sort is the kind of that we see when we love someone, a much more powerful, enduring beauty that comes from the heart.
Taking both sides of the argument into consideration, I would say that although we usually tend to appreciate beauty through out our heart it can not be denied that a new science the science of attraction has come to the conclusion that beauty is measurable and not as the romantic believe in the eye of the beholder.
Is the structure of the family changing for the better or for the worse?

Nowadays, the so-called pillar that builds up a society which is “family”, is changing because of different kinds of aspects which are able to change personal points of view about living in harmony at home.
These aspects are always closely related to evil actions which have destructive effects over teenagers’ mind and of course all these considerations have a strong connection with drugs, alcohol among others are considered to be the main culprits for youngsters to commit crimes thus destroying their homes and also their families.
In consequence, doctors closely related to the field of psychology emphasize that a strong parental guidance should be applied in order to build up a home surrounded by happiness.
All in all, I strongly believe that some changes in the family structure are mainly provoked by people who suffer from psychological traumas which need a very serious treatment or medical attention in order to solve every single disorder a person may have in his/her mind
Living in the city

Some surveys which were carried out on people who live in places such as rural and urban areas have shown as a result that a great majority of the people interviewed, prefer to live in a big city because of its many potential advantages.
It is said that a city provides people with the so-called pillars that build up a society, that is, Education, Health and entertainment.
Firstly, Living in a big city might have several advantages which somehow are crucially involved with education. It is often claimed that a big city usually gives the opportunity to have access to education to every single member of the society; that is, any single person might have the probability of being admitted to any state school. Currently, there are a great number of schools which are located in cities in order to provide anyone who wants to learn with knowledge.
Secondly, Health is seen as one of the most important considerations involving society.
It is widely recognised that hospitals are the main exponent of health and are aimed to solve people’s health problems.
It is well known that hospitals provide individuals with free medical treatments, which range antibiotics for a simple case of flu to a complex surgery for serious diseases. This is the main reason why several citizens are deprived of nearby hospitals, tend to think that living in a city has its many benefits.
Thirdly, entertainment seems to be one important feature which is related to big cities.
Every single person often tends to think that they will only find amusement in developed or very important cities which many cases offer the experience what show business really means.
A huge city often provides people with many places which range from cinemas discos casinos to shopping centers.

About two or three years ago, there was an incident in which I got involved. It was a beautiful summer night and I was having a great time at my cousin’s birthday party.
At about four o’clock I felt exhausted so I went to the balcony in order to breathe some fresh air. It was when I noticed a figure, someone was at the corner of the balcony, so I took a look around and saw that every single friend of mine was dancing. It took me a while to decide what to do, but in the end I noticed that I was familiar with the unknown person. At first sight the person seems to be a woman, when I walked toward her I noticed she was a beautiful woman with long brown hair and an incredible body.
Somehow, she looked like an ex-girlfriend I used to have, so I didn’t think twice and I approached her.
When I called her “Grace”! she smiled sweetly but she did not say a word. So all my doubts disappeared, she was grace my old girlfriend. We talked all night long and the day was breaking when she told me, “I must confess you something. I am not who you think I am, my name is George and as you see I am a drug queen.
That was the first time that I had wanted the earth to open and swallow me.
Money rules the World

A matter of considerable controversy is the fact whether money rules the world. There is no doubt that money provides people with the possibility to have access to basic necessities as health and education as well. However, while money is seemed as a requirement in order to have a comfortable life, it can not be denied that money is often believed to be main culprit for causing conflicts among people, what is more among countries.
To start with, many support the view that money enables people to fulfill their necessities which range from basic human necessities, for instance food and clothes, to unimaginable sophisticated things, such as jewellery and masterpieces of sculpture or painting. Furthermore, it is often argued that money influences in people’s relations. This is clearly illustrated by the fact that wealthy businessmen are more respected than ordinary people. Another major advantage of money is that it is believed to be vital for survival given that in the field of medicine many improvements were achieved in order to save lives due to the opportunities offered by money.
On the other hand, many people claim that one of the factors in life, which overweighs money in importance is health. Despite the fact that those people who are in high income and are able to afford the best medical care for their relatives, money is no a guarantee for a longer healthy life. Health is a blessing that money can not buy, several people suffer from terminal diseases and although they belong to a high society, their condition can not improve despite all the money in the world.
Finally an additional drawback of money is the clash that it causes among people, not to mention the fact that money is the main cause of conflicts between countries. It is generally suggested that many wars were started by powerful countries with the sole intention of gaining more economic powers. Therefore, many people who live in a powerless country are deprived of the means to obtain proper nutrition and health care.
Taking everything into consideration, the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that money rules the world given that money is necessary to fulfill our basic necessities and to improve health cares as well. However, I firmly believe that money does not provide us with a longer or better life due to the fact money is not the solution to many things such as terminal diseases or peace in our world.
My former friend and now……….

It all began as an ordinary day, and ordinary day in my life. It was a cold winter afternoon which turns into a sunny day when I heard the most beautiful voice I‘ve ever heard. I was waiting for some friends, I was standing in one of the darkest, creepiest, and spookiest corridors at “Facultad de Filosofia y Letras”, yes, and as you see I was one of the thousands students who couldn’t fulfil his expectations, but that is another issue. Ok, I was waiting for some friends when I first met Nora, she asked me the time, and with that simple question all began, for the better or for the worse, I still wonder that. It is quite a complex paradox in my life; I only know that we forged an outstanding relationship, ranging from being simple classmates, who used to exchange notes, to being a couple who walk hand in hand along life.
What I can tell you about Nora, let me think, she is in her middle twenties but she looks younger than she is; she says so. Physically, she is overage height, neither fat or thin. According to her hair, she has shoulder length black thick hair, neither curly nor straight, it is quite a dichotomy to be more specific, neither this nor that.
One important feature regarding her personality is her sparkling brown eyes which reveal her sense of humour and friendliness. As her personality, Nora’s most striking characteristic is her generosity, patience, kind-heartedness but first of all her friendliness seems to outweigh her previous listed features in importance. I mentioned friendliness because if someone has a snag, she will always have time to listen to you. In few words, she is the appropriate person to ask for a piece of advice for the reason that she will always try to find out a potential solution for certain troubles.
Another important characteristic is her sense of humour; she is great person to be with. Furthermore, according to her personality she is very amusing and sociable, she loves going out to parties and have a good time. Currently, she took up cactuses collection as a new hobby, in addition she loves animal life, and she is charge of breeding her animals. At home she has a small farm which involves, fish, little birds, a dog, a cat and a parrot. Unfortunately, she has a weak point; she supports CASM which is considered to be one of the worst football teams in our province. But I am sure that sooner or later she will change her mind.
As a conclusion, I can assure that she is a lovely person with a kind hearted and for her age she is very mature. Although, she has the hard mission to deal with me everyday, she success in it day after day. She tends to complain that I never write to her but now I feel like Pablo Neruda, Jorge Luis Borges, why not William Shakespeare or Oscar Wilde but of course, far from being homosexual.

The other day I found an article which was quite interesting, the article is closely related to children’s obesity. According to some surveys which were carried out in the U.S.A and U.K reflects that the number of overweight and obese children is rising, what is more; one in four children are obese.
I am of the opinion that the main culprit for causing children obesity is on the one hand “sugar-filled manufactured food and of course bad eating habits and on the other hand, the lack of responsibility involving parents.
Children keen on a toxic environment that doomed them to being overweight. According to recent surveys which were carried out in different locations showed as a result that diseases such as diabetes are seen in children. Besides this, I am convinced that young children are not responsible for the food choice at home or at school.
It seems to me that the blame is laid on parents, that is to say, children need a parental guidance not only for establishing a censorship in order to prevent obscene material or inappropriate language but also for eating habits.
It is known that parents provide children with different kinds of unhealthy snacks in instead of having breakfast or lunch. I think parents should be a part of a solution not part of the problem.
Taking everything into consideration, I firmly believe that no child chooses to be overweight, and there are not shared frailties. In short, parents should warn children more effectively about the potential ailments involving eating habits, do it so, the situation might improve.
Pepe’s bar

Pepe’s bar is the place where my girlfriend and I had dinner on Saturday night. The restaurant occupies the ground floor of a beautiful terraced house. With almost a seating capacity of 80 people, it has long red carpets, soft lighting from wall-mounted lamps and soft music which allows quiet conversations that create a relaxing atmosphere. The effect is both luxurious and welcoming.
The menu offers traditional cooking as well as French and Italian dishes. Despite the fact that the restaurant was completely full on Saturday, the service was reasonably quick. The waiters and waitresses were all polite and efficient.
I chose roast beef as a main course and my companion had lamb. Although the food was well cooked and attractively displayed, it tasted awfully, not to mention the fact that it was impossible to chew the food. What is more, an older man next to us broke one of his teeth when trying to chew the food.
The bill for a three-course meal for two people with a bottle of coke, was $60. There are some several dishes on the menu which are far more expensive than the ones we chose, and the prices are rather high for the quality of the food served.
To sump up, pepe’s restaurant has an attractive décor and a pleasant atmosphere, as well as good food only in its presentation and service. However, the menu is limited, on the whole, our dinner was certainly overpriced.

Many types of animals have gradually become domesticated and have been taken into new our homes as pets. Pets are enjoyed by young and old alike, but are they really worth having or are there too many drawbacks?
To start with it, pets can be great companions for those who live alone, such as the elderly. What is more, having a dog around the house can give you a greater sense of security. Young children usually love animals and giving them the opportunity to look after a pet teaches them to care for living things and to be responsible.
However, bringing your pet into your home is not a decision to be taken lightly. There are some expenses involved as animals need food, special cages, equipment and occasional veterinary treatment which can be costly. They need care and attention o a daily basis, which can be time-consuming.
Furthermore, a pet ties you down to a certain extent. You cannot just get up and go away for the weekend or for a holiday without first taking your pet’s needs into consideration. This is not always easy and can be expensive if you have to pay for professional care.
All in all, buying a pet should be a carefully planned decision. If you are fully aware of your pet’s needs and all the responsibilities involved in owing one, then having a pet can be a very rewarding experience.

It is known that postcards have been present in society since ancient times. Currently every single person who might have the opportunity to travel abroad decides to bring with them different kinds of pictures which are aimed to illustrate the most unimaginable places where a person may visit.
In a manner of speaking postcard usually provide people with important pieces of information such as principles, ideas, way of life and the cultural heritage of any country.
To start with, it is said that a single postcard evokes more than it means. Supporters to this view may say that postcards are aimed to retell the history of any single location. It is widely recognised that postcards are seen as virtual storytellers, that is, a postcard is not only a photograph but it is a new way of revealing different kind of aspects which are crucially involved with to the way of life of each country. It is said that any small town has its own principles and ideas and cultural heritage, all these concepts are summarised in a small photograph which says more than words.
It is widely recognised that postcards often provide citizens with several types of issues which range from especial festivities which take place in several locations to the way in which they keep their own background, that is, many countries reveal throughout postcards their typical food, traditional clothes and what is more, their own sense of identity.
Pros and Cons of Video Gaming

When faced with some new and possibly bewildering technological changes, as new generation console, most people react in one of two ways. On the other hand, they learn to adapt to the new inventions and eventually wonder how they could possibly have lived without it. On the other hand, people recoil from anything new, claiming that it is unnecessary or too complicated or that it somehow provides children with negative aspects ranging from inadequate vocabulary to explicit scene of sex and increasing violence.
To start with, much has been written about the dangers of computers games to young and impressionable children. As parents’ lives become busier and as an increasing number of parents seem willing to allow their children to spend hours in front of a computer screen zapping aliens. Some people often ask themselves whether these games are, in fact, a harmless past time, or a danger to society and to generations to come.
The first dangers are physical. Clearly, a child who spends who spends hours in front of a screen is putting their eyes under considerable strain. Furthermore, this is time which might otherwise be spent running around, playing outside, and the increase in child obesity may, at least in part, be attributed to the decrease in healthy physical exercise.
There also seems to be a number of drawbacks with regard to the child’s education.
We now have a generation of people who have grown up deprived of doing mental arithmetic. However, the greatest criticism that is levelled at this form of entertainment is moral. What of adults will these children grow up to be, if they think that killing is fun and that guns are toys?
It is striking that the criticism of computer games is usually made by people who are not computer literate (digital immigrants).Games are condemned as immoral or violent. Yet the critics have rarely played them themselves. In fact, many games are highly educational, that is to say, problem-solving puzzles that encourage children to develop their thinking skills or strategy games through which we can learn about ancient civilizations or space exploration. What is more, in playing these games, children acquire basic computer skills with file management systems, cursors and mouse.
As regard to violence, it could be argued that there is nothing new here. Children, boys especially, have always played violent games and they will happily make use of a wooden sword or some toys soldiers if deprived of their disk of “Command and Conquer”.
Taking everything into consideration, I would say that although video gaming has made our lives easier as a way of entertainment, it has also created new problems for people. But while it has created problems we should think carefully before dismissing its many benefits.
Qualities you look for in a friend

The concept of friendship depends on what each individual may understand as being friend. In fact the true meaning of the term can only be appreciated by very few people.
In my view, friendship is quite an important consideration, something which plays an important part of my life, it is known that the word friendship as a term evokes more that it means.
Some people often claim that their friends play a very important role in their lives, they are not considered to be just friends but they take the place of a brother or an elder sister. It is widely recognised that in order to be considered a friend a person must fulfil a range of good qualities such as, being easy going, reliable, earnest, sensitive among others, these features are often required in order to build up a solid friendship.
In short, a person usually looks someone who can give support when times are rough, a shoulder to cry on, a person who always has time to listen to you if you have a problem.
This is why I think that friendship is a great feeling which can only be shared with special people

If there is one thing that virtually all the world’s various countries have in common, it is rituals. There is no doubt that several people often devote at least few minutes a day to carry out rituals which are supposed to grant the fulfilment of certain desires with ease and comfort. Although, rituals help people to make daily chores easily, it cannot be denied that this weird way of behaving often provokes mind’s impairments.

To start with, it is widely recognised that several people tend to carry out different kinds of rituals in order to achieve their deepest desires. It is known that some ritualistic people have a tendency to think that somehow rituals provide them with the strength to overcome their burdens. For example, a simple horse shoe, a four leaf clover or a rabbit leg are seen as pieces of good luck which endow certain people with the opportunity to reach their ideals.

On the other hand, there exists proven evidence that football is an issue which generates different kind of rituals, which in some specific cases turn into obsessions. It is often claim that football supporters often find themselves as the subject of criticism by members of their family or even worse by members of the community. They are often labelled as lunatics due to their way of behaving.

All in all, I think that most of us have a need of having a ritual which provides us with the possibility of getting over some difficulties at some point in our lives. Fully understanding the reason why people usually carry out uncanny rituals, may be as difficult as understanding the human mind itself.

While smoking is on the increase among adults, the latest news’ report indicates that increasing numbers of youngsters are taking up the habit. Perhaps the main reason for this alarming fact is the seductive advertising campaigns aimed at young people by tobacco companies. Other contributing factors include the lack of awareness on the part of school children of the dangers of smoking, and the widespread availability of cigarettes. Furthermore smoking retains an image of sophisticated maturity among young people, making the habit a magnet for those still in process of moulding themselves into what they want to be.

Firstly, one way of combat this problem would be for the government to ban all cigarette advertising in order to reverse this disturbing trend. This ban could also prohibit smoking on television and films. As a result, young people would no longer be constantly exposed to seductive images of cigarettes.
Secondly, by introducing a negative image advertising campaign, governments could place a ban on the sale of cigarettes to under eighteens, and ensure that this ban is strictly enforced. Consequently, smoking would become far too costly a habit for most young people to take up or maintain.
If measures were taken at school to warn children more effectively about the dangers of smoking, the situation might improve. Teachers could tell their students what will happen to them if they smoke and teach them about the wide variety of ailments that smoking produces. In this way, children will never want to start smoking, thanks to their knowledge of what it could do to their bodies.

All in all, I think that it would be quite easy to reduce the number of young people that smoke or even to eliminate smoking altogether, were it not for some attitudes of those who have the power to do something about it. Until they find the motivation to act, however, it seems likely that the problem will simply get worse.
Story “it sounded urgent”

Someone from the hospital called; it sounded urgent. It’s your wife may be you should……”John didn’t wait for the secretary to finish.
He turned pale and broke out a cold sweat, and then he went hurriedly back to the car park, jumped into his car and drove recklessly trough the slow traffic.
He neither noticed the honking of horns the screeching of breaks nor the others drivers yelling furiously at him.
“Please, please let her be all right,” he kept saying to himself.
Minutes later, the doors of the emergency department opened and he found himself in a cold reception lounge. He pushed to the front of the queue and asked for his wife the receptionist patiently scanned the computer screen and then she directed him to room 12. Without thanking her, he dashed for the lift. Heart pounding, John closed his eyes for a while, praying. He dreaded what he was about to find.
The door opened onto a dimly lighted corridor. John walked towards room 12 and nervously pushed the door. She was lying on bed, exhausted.
She sleepily opened her eyes and murmured, “hello, darling. Sorry I couldn’t wait. It’s a boy.”

When faced with some and possibly bewildering technological changes, most people react in one of two ways. On the one hand they learn to adapt to the new invention and eventually wonder how they could possibly have lived without it. On the other hand, people recoil from anything new, claiming that it is unnecessary or too complicated or that it somehow makes life less than human.

To star with, some people may believe that technology is vital in order to make life much easier. Many people support this view due to the fact that technology provides individuals with several pros ranging from doing the shopping without having to leave the house to working at home rather than going to the office. Computers are able to perform more time-saving functions, transport is faster and more efficient and new inventions continue to help us to carry out daily tasks with ease and comfort.
As regard to scientific levels, it is said that several improvements have been achieved in the field of medicine. Scientists point out that cures for terminal diseases have been found. Therefore, the lives of thousands people are being saved day after day.

However, it could be argued that technology id often seen as the main culprit for replacing human beings taking into account computers as a clear example. For several people, computers still represent a threat to our freedom and usually give us a frightening sense of a future in which every single decision will be made by machines. Thus, man is being replaced by technology in many ways and as a result he is becoming redundant. Moreover, several critics are convinced that technology has somehow ruined childhood. Nowadays, children are not longer playing outside their home but shutting themselves away in their rooms and losing themselves in individualistic activities such as, television viewing and computers games.

Taking both sides of the argument into consideration, it could be said that although technology provides people with a whole range of outstanding features, it has also created new problems for mankind. But while it has created problems we should think carefully before dismissing its many benefits
The role of marriage in today’s world

If there is something that virtually all the world’s various cultures have in common, it is marriage. Beliefs, diet and languages vary greatly, but the desire people have to share their lives with another seems universal. Why then, is marriage so popular? Psychologists have said that people have a deep need for the emotional security which marriage provides. Knowing that one has a partner in life makes it easier to cope with some problems of daily life. On the other hand, the fact that many single people are content to live alone suggests that the emotional need theory is incomplete.
According to the supporters of this view, people marry in order to increase their wealth, either by marrying a rich partner or because or because, as the saying goes, “two can live as cheaply as one.”
It is true that financial considerations are often the primary reason that people marry. Yet there are countless examples of people “marrying for love”, regardless of their mate’s lack of money. All in all, marriage continues to be extremely popular in many societies. Most of us have a need for love and support and want to have children at some point in our lives.
Fully understanding the reasons why people marry, though, may be as difficult as understanding the human mind itself.
The role of women in society

There is no other individual or institution whose role has been discussed so extensively as that of women. Historically, a women has played one an only one role: she had to become a mother or a wife; in the last 150 years, however, she has had a vast participation in other fields and has gained rights which can sometimes be regarded as a loss if we considered that now she has multiplied her tasks without increasing her wages.
On the other hand, we cannot ignore that the role she plays in a community depends on which society we are discussing religious, social, cultural patterns will determine whether a woman can reach the presidency of a nation or if she will be relegated to the kitchen and the nursery. Anyway, one fact cannot be denied; famine participation I son the increase and it is not going to stop.
To start with, we have to remember that, since primitive times, a woman had to fulfil a twofold task: to love, respect and obey her husband, and to bring up her children, while the master of the house worked hard in order to support his family. The so-called privileges that a woman enjoyed brought about submission very low self-esteem, and, most of all, an inferiority complex that would last for centuries. To make matters worse, her position in the world and what was expected from her filled her with guilt if she did not excel in her chores. She did not dream of wanting to go out and fight or even appear intelligent. That was her husband’s role.
But the 20th century came along, and with it, the two world wars, and, in a round way, they were an asset for the weaker sex. Men went to the battlefield and women had to take the posts that so far man had held as the strongholds of their sex. And then, women discovered that, after all, male tasks were no so difficult; and she could take care of the home the children and her job. Troubles started when the war ended and husbands came back home to their families and to their jobs. Now the time had come for a woman to prove that she could compete and win on an equal foot.
Violence in the city

It is known that the concept of violence has been present in society since ancient times. There are proven evidences that reveal how Romans emperors used to be delighted by the way in which several people lost their lives in unequal fights. It is widely recognised that ancient emperors set up fights which involved men against beasts. Currently, this kind of battle is still in force. Many people may say that they live in a constant fear of having a member of their family murdered or kidnapped. What is more parents are increasingly concerned about the safety of their children at school.

To start with, there is a vast amount of people who back up the view that there are not many differences between ancient times and modern ones. It is said that big cities have one of the highest death rates owing to criminal activities. As a consequence, children no longer play outside home but shut themselves away in their rooms in order to avoid any case of kidnapping, or even worse murder.
A second area to take into consideration is the safety of children at school which seems to be a controversial issue to deal with. News show day after day that little students some of them age eleven to thirteen years old usually carry handguns hidden in their bags. In some cases these reckless actions bring about serious mental disorders for the child who has been threatened by a gun or in some cases it can only bring about death.

Taking both sides of the argument into consideration, it could be claimed that cities have to cope up with different kinds of irrational problems which range from a simple case of robbery to snatch the lives of others just for fun. However, big cities can not be blamed for these criminal actions but the government should take a part in this struggle in order to provide citizens with guarantees to live at least in harmony.
What about our EDUCATION?

In ancient Greece, wise men like Socrates and Plato used to summon a number of disciples in the market place, to discuss the simple facts of life. And so simple they must have been that even learned people have been discussing them for centuries!
That type of learning, however erratic, gave meaning to their lives, as their mind probed into a universe where everything was yet to be discovered. On a different line Jesus Christ taught his apostles about a world of mercy and compassion which was in opposition to the society of his time. And the lives of twelve people were changed for the better in a way they have never anticipated.
The middle ages shows another concept of education; it might be right or wrong in the light of this century, but the values of education prevailed. Although this period may be considered as the dark ages, it was the preparation for a formidable age of discoveries and inventions. Again during the Renaissance, masters and tutors were respected and admired for the students’ feats.

In the following centuries, the world changed and expanded extensively. But education remained as one of the strongholds of culture. Famous schools and universities continued being the centre of knowledge, a magnet to all those who wanted to seek the truth, and a model to imitate. The first half of the twentieth century continued along these lines, but gradually the way of thinking started to change, or to put it more bluntly, to collapse.
And it is in these conditions that we land on the twenty first century, when education, as it was conceived, has ceased to exist, and in its place we have a state of confusion and chaos that very few people seem to envisage. Our classrooms have become big crèches where very young people no matter whether they are fifteen, five or twenty five, play being at school or at university, watched over by teachers who overlook cheating and allow misdemeanour, and to protected by rules and regulations which will ensure his or her permanency in this sacred institutions .

To sump up, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to be optimistic about the future of education. In order to change something, the whole system should change, and how that could happen if there are no changes in education?
World problems

It is widely recognised that the future regarding several cities seem to be quite uncertain. Currently, big cities experience many changes in their structure due to some remarkable factors such as, overpopulation and environmental pollution, which contribute to build up different sorts of problems that some so-called developed countries have to face up with.

To start with, there is no doubt that overpopulation is an issue which is very difficult to deal with if not unsolvable. It is said that China is seen as one of the most realistic examples of overcrowded cities. Furthermore, Chinese families are allowed to have only one child in order to avoid any subtle sign of overpopulation. What is more, in order to emphasize this idea several streets of this overcrowded city show different types of advertisements which are aimed to persuade people of having only one offspring per couple.

Secondly, pollution seems to be an important feature which is labelled as an unsolvable problem. There are those who believe that life in the future will not be so trouble-free.
Pollution is supposed to have increased due to the problems such as deforestation and acid rain.
Another feature to take into account is the great amount of litter which is an ongoing concern that many cities have to deal with. The most effective method of reducing litter is to educate people to recycle their household waste products in order to find a solution.

All things considered, it can be argued that everyone has a different idea of what is moral and acceptable and what is not. Certainly some cities have forced people to live under strict rules in order to avoid overpopulation.
As regard to pollution, stricter laws should be put into effect to prevent factories from polluting the environment as well as the use of environmental products should be encouraged so that we don’t pollute the water or damage the ozone layer. The sooner these solutions are put into action, the more significant the changes in the environment should be.
Food for thought

In the last few years there have been incidents involving human beings as protagonist of serious disasters. Topics such as unexpected tragedies and natural disasters among others usually give us food for thought. These incidents are seen as significant moments which will never be forgotten by human kind.

To start with, a natural disaster caused hundred of deaths on the Asian coast. As a consequence, famine and homeless cases are gradually increasing day after day. It is widely recognised that this kind of natural disasters do not make any sort of distinction among human beings, that is to say, it can happen at any time, at any place, it does not matter wherever we are, all of us are vulnerable in front of this unexpected natural disasters.

Secondly, the lack of responsibility seems to be an issue which is very difficult to solve, or else it is insolvable. About three or four year ago there was a tragedy in which hundreds of young people lost their lives in a rock concert in Buenos Aires, Cromagnon was the eyewitness of this macabre episode.
There is no doubt that there exist shared responsibilities, that is the government which did not do anything in order to prevent this catastrophe. On the other hand the owner of Cromagnon who was more interested in selling tickets than in spectators’ safety and finally the spectators who should have been more concerned about their actions, especially those reckless parents who brought their children to death.
Many children lost their lives there because of the fire and smoke, they were enclosed in a toilet which was supposed to be a small nursery but unfortunately it was more than that, this place turned into a grave later on.

Taking everything into consideration, I strongly believe that these unexpected disasters were significant in my life. On the one hand we have natural disasters which hit the world most of the time unexpectedly, that is nobody knows when these incidents will be held, we only depend on our own destiny which is often written by the earth’s decision.
On the other hand, the lack of responsibility is an important issue to deal with. It is necessary to build up a critical thinking and admit that these kind of dramatic episodes take place due to the opportunities offered by the governmental and personal negligence.

Names such as Tutankhamen, Michael Angelo, Galileo, or Caligula or Pilate blend in our minds as people who, for better or worse, have beaten time and space and constitute our cultural heritage. Whether they did what they involuntary or on purpose, they are the landmarks of the world’s legacy. Their fame helps us see historical events in perspective, value individual achievements and warn us against repeating the same mistakes.
Unlike the previous centuries the 20th century was one of meteoric advancements in the fields of communication and technology, this fact may lead us to think that a number of enlightened men would dazzle the world with their inventions, discoveries and theories.
Anyway, famous people do not seem to enjoy a long life on the time lights.
And this reflection leaves us wondering about the future. What will happen in ten or twenty years’ time when people will be so mumbled by myriads of stimulus that nothing will stir their emotions? Will there be famous people whom ordinary people will look up to, or will fame be a passing trend to be forgotten like last year’s clothes or hairstyles? Or, what is more; will we keep a memory of all those men and women who moulded our history, or will they become a blurred memory in the mind of a few? Quoting Bob Dylan, the answer is blowing in the wind.

The first month

In spite of all the efforts to survive on the terrible moments I am living, I still have faith that things will get better.
Yesterday I met a sighted man who was in company of his wife, while I was walking around the city trying to find some food and I saw them hidden inside an abandoned shop. Apparently, the man got himself locked in his basement and he was not affected by the light. He told me his wife has psychic powers and he can forecast the future even though she is blind.
She said that very soon everything is going to chance for the best, but for me, all this sound a bit far-fetched.
All the other blind people should stay in their houses, but many of them have died because they have no food and the water is polluted. The ones who risk their lives to go out looking for supplies art killed by the monsters.
Life is so different now, we do not use money, we do not depend on electricity, and we only use candles. The town is usually in silent and the only sounds we often hear is the screaming of the people who could not hide from the monsters and are eaten by them.

The second month

After various attempts to killing the monsters, we realized that it will be very difficult defeat them.
The sighted man and his wife are staying with me in the hospital. We are trying to find a solution to this situation. The food supplies that we have in the hospital are running short. In order to get some food we went out to look in the shops if they have some left. We only found a few boxes with flour and sugar and thankfully we also found some bottles of water. The women in the hospital said that they would do try to do something with that, in order to elaborate some food.
Whilst we were looking for more supplies we entered a derelict factory and there we found some acid. At first we did not know what to do with it, but then we tried against the monsters and we killed them. We do not have much of it but at least we have an effective weapon against these uncanny creatures and it helps us to be protected from them.

The third month

Last weekend, we received very good news, the water does not seem to be contaminated anymore and we also received someone’s message trough the radio asking for survivors. Although, we can not talk to them they send messages all the time.
Even though, the creatures are still outside, there are not as many as there used to be, we have killed most of them.
We brought a lot of blind people to the hospital. We are about one hundred people living here. Life is difficult but we work harder to take care of everybody. I got the ambulance work and everyday I go to a big supermarket which is outside the city and I bring some food.
There is a lot of supplies that will probably last for the next four or five months. Everybody is optimistic about the future. The people we heard on the radio say they have killed all the creatures in their town and they will come to help us soon. Everybody is waiting for that moment and we are eager to build a new world together.
Cruelty to Animals

Most people like to think that they live in a civilised society, and yet many countries treat animals with terrible cruelty. They are frequently caged in unthinkable conditions and used in experiments which involve a great deal of suffering. Is there any justification for this?

I am of the opinion that no wild animal should be kept in captivity except in the following cases. Firstly, if an animal is injured. Secondly, if a species is endangered and captive breeding will help to save it from extinction. In no other circumstances do I believe that caging a wild animal is defensible.
There are too many zoos or circuses where animals are kept in cramped conditions or made to perform ridiculous tricks. I find this intolerable.

As for experimenting on animals, I feel very strongly that we should be aware of the cruelty often inflicted in this way. While some experiments may be essential if we are to cure diseases like cancer, it is also the fact that many are pointless. All too often they are used to test cosmetics or perfumes which people just don’t need. These experiments often prove little, as there is no guarantee that a product will have the same effect on a human being as it does on an animal.

The more we discover about nature, the more we realise that human beings have a great deal in common with other animals. We know for example, that human beings are very close to chimpanzees and that even the octopus is highly intelligent. We also know that most animals can feel depression and anxiety. How can we turn a blind eye to the pain they often suffer in cages and laboratories? And equally how can we trade in wild animals when we know this may help to doom them to extinction?

To sump up, I would agree that it is unacceptable to keep wild animals in captivity or to experiment on them, except in very few cases. We understand much more about animal behaviour now than in the past and this should promp us to treat animals with respect. Failure to do so is, I believe, barbaric.
Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine is an issue which frequently generates a great deal of heated debate, with supporters maintaining that it is vital in order to improve their life quality, whilst opponents claiming that it is an unreliable medical method. It is worth examining both points of view before reaching any conclusion.

To start with, it is widely recognised that alternative medicine plays an important role for those people who want to improve their life quality. It is generally assumed that one of the greatest benefits of alternative methods focus on the medicine itself.
It is said that components are deprived of toxins or any kind of addictive chemical substances. What is more, alternative medicine does not affect the immune system, therefore, it causes few or no side effects.
Last but not least, some people point out that alternative methods are cheaper than any other conventional treatment.

A further common criticism of alternative medicine is that it is considered to be the main culprit for breaking scientific laws. One of the serious drawbacks involving alternative medicine is that some people are often suspicious of alternative methods which rely on a trial and error technique. Another important disadvantage of alternative medicine is that some of the treatments are carried out by the so-called quack doctors who are not medically qualified and as a consequence many people often expose themselves to mortal danger. About three years ago there was an incident involving a notorious quack doctor “ Giselle Rimolo” whose uncanny medical procedure was blamed for attempting against patient’s lives.

Taking everything into account, it can be concluded that alternative medicine treat the symptoms of a disease, that is to say, it is not considered to be a possible solution for those people who suffer from terminal diseases. On the other hand, conventional medicines treat the underlying cause of a disorder, what is more, traditional medicine is underpinned by extensive scientific researches. In a few words, the decision depends on the individual.
A sense of identity

As we know, the sense of identity as a concept evokes more than it jeans. It is said that every single country, city or even any small town has its own sense of identity, which is closely related to several terms such as customs, traditions and background. However, there are some countries which are influenced by foreign ones. As a result, terms such as customs and traditions have began to vanish throughout time.

To start with, it is necessary to take into consideration what the term culture really means. Culture is supposed to be one of the most important features in any single country, not to mention the fact that culture is the expression of ideas, principles and ways of life. In short, due to culture, we have our own values. Even so, there is a vast majority of countries which do not reject foreign influences and, as a result , terms such as traditions and customs are being replaced by foreign models which are aimed to destroy the cultural structure of a country.

Furthermore, economist are, in many cases, responsible for adopting foreign economic models. Every single country has adopted new models throughout time, for instance, foreign celebrations are usually held in unthinkable places. Celebrations such as, Halloween, Saint Valentine’s day and Saint Patrick’s day are mainly used by shops in order to increase their sales; what is more, these kind of models fall into the category of common celebrations in places where English language is not even taught.
In addition, new idiomatic expressions are included in the vocabulary; as a consequence, it creates new dialects such as Spanglish, which is a mixture of English and Spanish. All these issues provoke serious disorders over the cultural heritage, and as a result, many countries do not accept their own folklore or ethnic arts.

Taking everything into account, I think every single country should keep its own cultural heritage. There are small things that can make such a big difference among nations. Keeping our traditions, our typical food and clothes and most importantly, our values is essential.
Global warming

It is generally agreed that the environment is under treat, and unless government take action, the consequences could be severe, already we are seeing the effects of global warming, as ice caps melt and the temperature rises. The cities where we live, meanwhile, are becoming dangerous to our health. There are solutions, but they will only work if we all become involved.

It is now quite certain that the earth’s temperature is rising due to the greenhouse effect. The polar ice caps are melting and as a result, sea levels continue to rise and are causing flooding. Elsewhere, rainfall is decreasing and the land is turning to desert. One of the major causes of this global warming is the burning of fossil fuels. It is thus essential that we switch to renewable energy such as wind, wave and solar power, and also reduces greenhouse gases.

Another threat to the environment comes from destroying the rainforest, as this also affects the climate and the flora and fauna. The number of animals becoming extinct or on the endangered list is also growing. We have to persuade governments to stop this destruction. We should also check that wood we use, for example in furniture, comes from sustainable sources.

Yet another threat to the environment comes from toxic waste. Tankers dump illegal waste in the sea, causing pollution and killing marine life. It appears that the only way to make them stop is by monitoring their activities and imposing heavy fines on those owners who break the law.

Finally, we must consider the harm done by cars. Everywhere governments are building new roads, but this only lead to the destruction of the countryside. The obvious solution here is to public transport this will reduce the volume of traffic and also some of the smog which car fumes produce.

These are just a few ways in which the environment is being damage, and some ways in which we can produce solutions. It is clear that they will only be success if we all work together, people and governments. The consequences of not acting could be catastrophic.

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2007

My views on Education

Together with health, education is the most important pillar on which countries and civilizations rest. Its nature is vital because beyond knowledge, teachers convey moral principles and their concept of the world of life.
Since ancient times there have been people who have felt inclined to giving others the intellectual weapons which will help them out. Thus, through out history, philosophers, religious people, teachers, instructors have been respected and highly thought of as the ones who keep the seed of knowledge and wisdom for the future generations.
However, the axiom of the immaculate temple has ceased to be true, it seems, to give way to a kind of school devoid of moral foundations, populated by tired teachers and disinterested students, blind as to aims and purposes, to mention but a few of its frivolous features.
The future of education defies any prognosis as it appears as sombre as it can be.

The world of fashion

Together with the film industry, the world of fashion is indeed one of the most attractive, glamorous and tantalizing places of work.
Nowadays, lots of people, namely designers, photographers and models, earn their living out of the changing tendencies in clothes, shoes and hairdos. Outside this universe, shop owners, dress makers and haberdashers make a mint thanks to these changes. And last but certainly not least, are the consumers, women, and more recently men, who are hypnotised by Christian Dior’s or Armani’s designs.
No doubt, fashion implies creation and imagination among other things, but it also conveys frivolity that lead people, especially shallow married to a wealthy man, woman to waste the money their husbands have earned on silly items of clothing that will become obsolete in a few weeks’ time.

The role of women in society

There is no other individual or institution whose role has been discussed so extensively as that of women. Historically, a woman has played an only one role: she had to become a mother or a wife; in the past a hundred and fifty years, however, she has had a vast participation in other fields and has gained rights which can sometimes be regarded as a loss if we consider that now she has multiplied her tasks without increasing her wages.
On the other hand, we can not ignore that the role she plays in a community depends on which society we are discussing religious, social, cultural patterns will determine whether a woman can reach the presidency of a nation or if she will be relegated to the kitchen and the nursery.
Anyway, one fact can not be denied; female participation is on the increase and it is not going to stop.
Living in a foreign country

Have you ever thought of settling in your dream country? It is undoubtedly a big decision to make, but it can often change your life for the better.
One of the main advantages is that it gives you the opportunity to experience an entirely different way o life which can be a valuable form of education. Moreover, one is given the chance to learn and become more fluent in another language through every day use. In addition, many people become more independent and self reliant by having to cope with difficult situations on their own. Finally, living in a country with different climate can prove benefice to both one’s health and state of mind. On the other hand, even if you try your hardest to adapt to your new surroundings it is likely that you will often experience moments of isolation, frustration and loneliness. This can be caused by communication problems, especially if you cannot speak the language yet. What is more, finding a job can often be a stressful experience as in some countries foreigners are not easily accepted. In my view, living successfully in a foreign country depends on the individual. The more effort that is made to take part and become part of one’s new surroundings, the more welcome and comfortable one will fell.

martes, 17 de abril de 2007

The house of my dreams

Imagine waking up to the sound of birds singing in the trees, outside and warm, sunlight shining through you bedroom window. This is what I dream of when I imagine my ideal house. It would be a small wooden cottage surrounded by a neat green lawn stretching all the way down to the river. There would be colourful flowers gently swaging in the cool breeze and an orchard at the back of the house with trees full of sweet and juicy oranges, apples and pears.
My house would have a large, bright kitchen where I could sit quietly at a wooden table admiring the view of my garden through the window.
My living room would be simple, with basic furniture like a long sofa and two large armchairs. It would also have a fireplace so I could keep warm on cool windy nights. There would be several wooden bookcases full of books to keep me company. My bedroom would have fur-posted bed with a white linen bed cover and the walls would be painted a soothing pale blue. If I could choose, I would live in a house just like this with its beautiful natural surroundings and peaceful atmosphere.

Close your eyes and imagine how it is outside, cold, windy, hot, etc.

It was a hot, lazy afternoon and, from where I sat on the shady veranda, I could see the purple mountains in the distance. The fragrant flowers around me blazed with colour, as sipping my sharply sweet lemonade, I listened to the gentle hum of crickets and twittering of birds. A soft, cool breeze brushed my skin while I enjoyed the smell of the rich earth. Suddenly, a familiar, annoying buzz sounded in my ear.

The advantages and disadvantages of being famous.

People who are famous are usually financially secure. They are often given free designer clothes, cars and jewellery by manufactures who receive free advertising when these items are worn or used. They receive first class service wherever they go. They have the power to influence other people and are ever models to many. They have domestic help and employ staff to take care of their business. They are confident and secure as they are successful professionals.
They seldom have privacy and often have to go out in public wearing a disguise so that they will not be recognized. Many people take advantage of them and them and they often lead lonely lives as they never know who their real friends are. Many end up having nervous breakdowns because of stress. Some drive in fear of being or having members of their family kidnapped. People expect them to look glamorous and happy at all times which is hard for celebrities to do.

What kind of people make you feel uncomfortable? Why?

It is know that every single person is unique regarding behaviour and personality. Hardly ever a day goes by without having to deal with different kind of people regarding from extrovert and authentic ones to those who are labelled as devious and two-faced.
Taking the above mentioned features into consideration, I would say that it is neither uncomfortable not difficult but impossible to maintain a single conversation with people who are deprived of positive attitudes. It is almost impossible to rely on a person who is in lack of good intentions. From my point of view, I think it is quite unrealistic to depend or trust in people who stand for negative connotations since they are only interested in their own well being no matter what may happen with the others. People often take advantage from the failure of the others and they take pride of this outrageous way of behaviour.

Tafi Del Valle

One of the world’s most famous landmarks is Tafi Del Valle, which is located in Argentina, to be more specific, in Tucumán (the smallest province in Argentina)
Tafi Del Valle has become a major tourist attraction, with thousands of tourist visiting it every year.
What makes Tafi Del Valle so special is its beautiful landscape which is absolutely free of any kind of pollution.
As you stand on the balcony on the hotel, the cold crisp air makes skin tingle. All you can hear is the sighing of the wind in the trees. In winter, the snow-covered mountains in the distance contrast with the thick green forest surrounding the village. another possible alternative to take into account is that one can go for a walk through the mountains where one can hear the rustling of leaves and the singing of the birds. Furthermore, the scent of wet earth and exotic flowers filled the warm, moist air which was delightful to breathe.
Without a doubt, Tafi Del Valle is an impressive and unforgettable landmark which is truly worth visiting.

sábado, 14 de abril de 2007

My name is martin. Physically, I’m average height, neither fat nor thin. As for my personality, I was told that the most outstanding characteristic on me is generosity. I’m very good natured and always have time for chat. I hardly ever get annoyed except when children touch my bowl fish.