martes, 14 de agosto de 2007


The first month

In spite of all the efforts to survive on the terrible moments I am living, I still have faith that things will get better.
Yesterday I met a sighted man who was in company of his wife, while I was walking around the city trying to find some food and I saw them hidden inside an abandoned shop. Apparently, the man got himself locked in his basement and he was not affected by the light. He told me his wife has psychic powers and he can forecast the future even though she is blind.
She said that very soon everything is going to chance for the best, but for me, all this sound a bit far-fetched.
All the other blind people should stay in their houses, but many of them have died because they have no food and the water is polluted. The ones who risk their lives to go out looking for supplies art killed by the monsters.
Life is so different now, we do not use money, we do not depend on electricity, and we only use candles. The town is usually in silent and the only sounds we often hear is the screaming of the people who could not hide from the monsters and are eaten by them.

The second month

After various attempts to killing the monsters, we realized that it will be very difficult defeat them.
The sighted man and his wife are staying with me in the hospital. We are trying to find a solution to this situation. The food supplies that we have in the hospital are running short. In order to get some food we went out to look in the shops if they have some left. We only found a few boxes with flour and sugar and thankfully we also found some bottles of water. The women in the hospital said that they would do try to do something with that, in order to elaborate some food.
Whilst we were looking for more supplies we entered a derelict factory and there we found some acid. At first we did not know what to do with it, but then we tried against the monsters and we killed them. We do not have much of it but at least we have an effective weapon against these uncanny creatures and it helps us to be protected from them.

The third month

Last weekend, we received very good news, the water does not seem to be contaminated anymore and we also received someone’s message trough the radio asking for survivors. Although, we can not talk to them they send messages all the time.
Even though, the creatures are still outside, there are not as many as there used to be, we have killed most of them.
We brought a lot of blind people to the hospital. We are about one hundred people living here. Life is difficult but we work harder to take care of everybody. I got the ambulance work and everyday I go to a big supermarket which is outside the city and I bring some food.
There is a lot of supplies that will probably last for the next four or five months. Everybody is optimistic about the future. The people we heard on the radio say they have killed all the creatures in their town and they will come to help us soon. Everybody is waiting for that moment and we are eager to build a new world together.

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