martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007

Why do women live longer than men?

Once again I am here trying to break the world wide record of being sitting in front of a computer screen. The last person who set a world record spent three days in front of a computer but unfortunately, he paid an ultimate price, he died because of a heart attack. I hope not to have the same outcome, and to prevent me from suffering a heart attack I will change the batteries of my by pass.

I seem to be running a one-man crusade against entries so that is why I decided to take into consideration some myths which involve different types of topics.

It is said that women live about six years longer than men. Evidence suggests that boys are the weaker sex at birth, which means that more die in infancy. Also women do not have, as much heart disease as men. In terms of lifestyle, men smoke more than women and thus more die of smoking related diseases. They drink more and are more aggressive in behaviour, particularly when driving cars, so they are more likely to die in accidents. Also, they generally have more dangerous occupations, such as building work.

Why is the expression “Mayday” used as a distress call?

The term mayday is the internationally recognized radio telephone signal of distress. It is only used when a ship is in great danger and needs help immediately. The signal is transmitted on a wavelength of 2,182 kHz, which is permanently monitored by rescue services on the shore. The use of the expressions has a very straightforward explanation.

It simply came form the French phrase “m’aidez” which means help me. It was officially adopted internationally in 1927

Why are horseshoes believed to be lucky?

So far, I have devoted a long time to find out accurate explanations for my research. Since now, mankind owes me a lot because through out my research people have found answers for their unanswered questions.

In 1700, a French man called Henry Misson, visiting Britain, asked villagers why they had horseshoes nailed above their doors.

They said that it was to keep witches away. Horseshoes are made of iron and the strength of the iron was thought to protect from evil.

Still today they are thought to bring good luck and many brides carry silver ones at their wedding.

The position of the horseshoe is very important. It must point upwards like a cup so that the luck cannot fall out.

The Prison industry

It is widely recognised that only a few cities, especially those with a large number of inhabitants and with a high status in the country are able to satisfy what population really needs, that is, in a way or another cities apply several hard measures in order to avoid having to face up with some controversial issue, for example criminal activities.

To start with, criminals’ actions seem to be a controversial issue to deal with. It is known that several cities reduce rate crime indexes by keeping the most dangerous criminals away from society by sending them to prison, but is it so?

It is generally believed that the main purpose of jails is to punish people who have done something wrong. But should this kind of punishment be used for people who have committed heinous crimes?

Day after day our local justice headquarters is blamed for not spreading out justice. Criminals take advantage of being sent to prison, a place which provides criminals with intellectual weapons for their future achievements, that is to say, educational programmes are intended for criminals not to mention the fact that prisoners can learn new skills to prepare them for life when they leave prison.

In my view, I think that criminals in most of the cases only deserve death penalty. Every single day we are witness of macabre episodes carry out by criminals. They snatch the lives of innocent no matter the age, ranging from babies to older people. What is more; criminals stay for no longer than a few minutes as a price for rapping and killing angels whose age goes from one month to a year old.

But after a while criminals are released in order to continue killing innocent people just for pleasure. That is why I think death penalty should be applied as a potential solution to reduce crime and build up a better place to live in.

I need more entries!

I have been typing since this morning, trying to fulfil my language requirements of reaching 53 entries. So I have been reading articles from different sources which could provide me with food for thought because I do not know what else to take into consideration in order to build up a critical thinking which help me to overcome my burdens. And thanks god, I found an article which I found it quite interesting.

The article is related to playing computers games which highlights the fact that parents worried about their children spending hours on their playstation may be all wrong because it could actually be time well spent. Researchers found that gamers who play up to eighteen hours a week seem able to focus on what they are doing better than other people, have better co-ordination, and far from being antisocial, computers nerds find it very easy to form friendship s than children who prefer activities as reading and watching tv. But a group of scientists in Japan have found that gaming develops only vision and movement, but not the parts of the brain associated with learning, emotion or behaviour.


Quoting the rock band U2, “I still can’t find what I’ve been looking for”, is it necessary to say that I could not accomplish the mission which gives meaning to my life “ENTRIES”.

For today, I have an interesting topic which often generates a great deal of heating debate. Exercise nowadays knows the benefits of physical exercise but some scientists claim the key to staying slim and keeping fit is to eat less and take intensive exercise such as walking or cycling. People who take intensive exercise often reward themselves by spending the rest of the day in front of the TV. It is said that at the same time they have to eat more to give them energy for the next workout.

To avoid weight gain, it’s better to take gentle exercise in building over a long period. And it is believed that spending a couple of hours a day doing absolutely nothing is more effective than exercise in building immunity and prolonging life.

We always think that we have to be achieving something but just vegetating for half your free time could be healthier.

Best man’s friend

Over the past years, scientists claim that in the future they will be able to design the perfect human being through out the use of sophisticated medical procedures.

However, diseases such as cancer seems to be a very difficult issue to deal with if not unsolvable, since even today this complex disease “cancer” can not be detected so people can live with this disease without noticing it.

It is said that the early detection of cancer greatly improves a patient’s survival chances, and researches hope that man’s best friend the dog can become an important tool in early screening.

Scientists claim that dogs can identify chemical traces in the range of part per trillion. Studies have confirmed the ability of trained dogs to detect skin cancer and breast cancer between 88 and 97 percent of the time.

There is no any kind of sophisticated system which equals the precision of dog’s nose. Taking everything into consideration I think that no one would be able to reject the idea that man’s best friend is the dog.

After katrina

I have just finished reading an article which I found quite interesting. The article was related to the hurricane Katrina. In the last few years there have been incidents involving not only human beings but also animal life as protagonists of serious disasters.

It is known that a natural disaster caused serious damage and thousand of people became homeless as a consequence of the so-called hurricane Katrina.

According to this article we are able to appreciate the close relationship between human beings and animal life.

It is said that many people refused to forsake their pets. Although, people were exposed to this kind of haphazard, they decided to seek a refuge from the rising flood water in order to help themselves and also the lives of their pets. I am of the opinion that this kind of situation often provides us with food for thought.

Currently, we are witnesses of macabre episodes in which parents forsake or what is worst kill their children in order to avoid responsibility. However, through out this article, we are able to understand the true love in human beings, and of course the strong connection between man and animal.

Why is walking under ladders believed to be unlucky?

There are a few explanations for this. The most common is that someone on the ladder might be holding a pot of paint or a bucket of water which could drop on you if you walked underneath.

Another explanation relates to the tyburn gallows at what is now Marble Arch in London. Until 1783 criminals climbed a ladder to the gallows with a rope round their neck and this was then kicked from under them. The belief grew that walking under a ladder invited death.

Why do they drive on the left in Britain and on the right in other in other countries?

Yes, thanks God, I spent almost three days typing and typing and I did not face death. As you know, I decided to take into consideration some questions which were supposed to be deprived of a proper explanation but I am here to reveal every single implication.

Have you ever wondered why people in some places often drive to the left, the reason for this goes back to the days when people travelled by horse. Most people are right handed and thus the left is the natural way to side to ride and if you are on a horseback and need your right hand to hold something in case of trouble. So why didn’t the rest of the world do the same? Because of Napoleon Bonaparte.

He insisted that his armies marched on the right, and as he marched through Europe, he impose his rule whenever he went. In the twentieth century Adolf Hitler did the same. The question suggest that only the British drive on the left, but in fact, out of 178 countries in the world, there are about 50 that drive on the left, including Japan. However, most of them are former British colonies.

US immigrants

Illegal immigration is a very difficult issue to deal with and a hot political Topic as well in the United Status.

There are thought to be about 11,5 million illegal immigrants in the US. Many of these people are poorly educated, unskilled workers who fill the sort of jobs that most native-born Americans will not take, at least not for the same price.

It is said that much of California’s agriculture relies on migrant labour. England is another remarkable example of immigration as a secret success. It is said that immigration works for better for Britain than Britonz notice.

Some surveys which were carried out on different locations shown as a result that Britain and Ireland were the only EU countries that provided an open door to workers from accession countries.

It is claimed that their work ethic, that is, immigrant work is high, they are very disciplined, enthusiastic, responsible and their attendance is fantastic.

What European people just want to have a better life, unfortunately immigrants tend to forsake their own identity, beliefs, expectations and ambitious in seek of a prosperous future for them and for their families as well. But sometimes the price they have to pay is quite high.

Living alone

Some surveys which were carried out on a group of teenagers have shown as a result that a great majority of the adolescents interviewed have a preference to live unaccompanied as opposed to live in the company of their families.

It is said that the fact of living alone provides youngsters with freedom and privacy, which are seem as remarkable advantages for people who usually live alone.

To start with, living alone may have its several advantages which are crucially involved with freedom. It is widely recognised that freedom is one of the most important features that teen look for. Currently, there is a great number of teenagers who live single-handedly just because they want to be independent and not dependable of their parents, not to mention the fact youngsters do not have to fulfil other expectations such as daily household tasks which range from get up at eight o’clock in the morning, have lunch at moon, arrive home at the time established by parents among others. It is seemed to be that adolescents are more interested in creating their own world under their own rules without taking into consideration external rules imposed by others.

Secondly, privacy seems to be another important feature to take into consideration. A great number of teens usually have to share their rooms with a sibling and, as a consequence, many of them cannot expressed or act by themselves due to there is always someone in front of them, that critize the way the way in which teenagers achieve what they need. This is one of the many reasons why teens choose to live alone in order to create a world based on their own principles or ideas.

On the other hand, living alone may have its drawbacks. In some case several youngsters lose contact with their families because they are more interested in exploring a world without boundaries. Teens often prefer to live in an isolated way what is more, adolescents are blamed for forgetting one of the so called pillars in which every single community rest which is the family.

Taking everything into account, living alone has it both advantages and disadvantages. Although this new way life make our lives easier in many ways, it has created some problems in the structure of some families. But while it has created problems we should think carefully before dismissing its many advantages

Heinous crime

I have just finished reading an article which is crucially involved with the killing of at least fifteen high school students and teachers at columbine high school in Littleton.

Colorado has left America stunned and sickened. Scenes of wounded youth, images of terrified young girls describing how students around them were systematically murdered in a school library. All of this provokes horror, sadness and what is more anger.

So many questions still live unanswered, that is, can anyone with a functioning brain or eyes continue to argue at this point that these terrible incidents are not expressions of profound social tendencies? What is going on in that country?

In my view, I think that this irrational reaction taking into consideration this macabre episode is crucially involved with the violence that the US is presently unleashing on the world.

At this age of high-tech wars, the pentagon conducts wars which allow the US military to kill thousands of innocents people at random; what is more the media packages the war as entertainment without real consequence- at least for Americans.

It is widely recognised that without any reasonable explanation the American military is dropping bombs and missiles against Iraq which have come under attack in recent months. US forces burst into a country and start shooting it up.

To sump up, each international horror resembles a crime scene in which American fingerprints are inevitably found

Watching soap operas on TV

Finally, a surprising piece of research that shows people who regularly watch soap operas are significantly happier than those who don’t. Psychologists believe that this is because such programmes provide viewers with an imaginary set of friends, and a sense of belonging to a community. “It works in rather the same way as a membership of a club, or church.

From this moment onwards, I will take into account tadeo’s piece of advice. He once told me he never miss any chapter regarding “pasion de gavilanes”, now I fully understand why.

Eating chocolate

I continue typing and because of that I lost my fingerprints but anyways I just want to be rewarded as some characters in Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales. To be rewarded with a paradise where every single idea of using a computer functions as a paradox in any sense. Yesterday, I spent the night looking for my insides in front of the computer when I wondered myself what is in store for us once we pass away, is there any possibility of having internet in heaven? Because I accustomed to have a parallel life involving my family, my lovers, my life and of course my ENTRIES.

The topic for today is chocolate. Ever heard of the old saying “a little of what you fancy does you good”? Well, if you are a chocolate fan there is good news! Recent studies have revealed that chemicals found in chocolate can protect you from a variety of minor illnesses including colds, coughs, depression and even help to reduce the risk of heart diseases!

Being married

“Every women should marry- and no man” commented one wit almost 150 years ago. But scientific evidence has tended to suggest that it is men who find happiness through marriage more than women.

It has been shown that single men are the happiest. But a study from revealed that women do benefit as well: twenty five per cent of single people were miserable, compared with only thirteen percent of married people.

Among the women surveyed, those who were married with children and job had the fewest mental health problems.

Low self-esteem

The feeling of being undervalued can damage your health. Researches show that employees who suffer constant criticism, or feeling out of control at work, are much more likely to suffer from back problems. Depression, says one researcher, is actually far more likely to cause backache than heavy lifting!

A low-fat diet

I have been in front of this computer screen for at least four hours and because of this my eyes are red as if I had been eating insects. The theme of carrying out entries is a recurrent motif in my life.

For today, I have a quite interesting article which is closely related to the issue of low fat diet. As we know, a low fat diet may be good for your waistline, but the latest research suggests that it is less beneficial psychologically.

A team of scientist asked to follow a diet consisting of just twenty five percent fat (which is considered to be the level recommended by the world health organization) reported increased feelings of depression and hostility towards others.

One reason perhaps that people on low fat diets are apparently more likely to meet a violent death!

Now I can understand everything quite accurately, what I mean is that now I am able to figure out why some members of our society often kill each other. The only thing to blame is a low fat diet.