martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007

Why do they drive on the left in Britain and on the right in other in other countries?

Yes, thanks God, I spent almost three days typing and typing and I did not face death. As you know, I decided to take into consideration some questions which were supposed to be deprived of a proper explanation but I am here to reveal every single implication.

Have you ever wondered why people in some places often drive to the left, the reason for this goes back to the days when people travelled by horse. Most people are right handed and thus the left is the natural way to side to ride and if you are on a horseback and need your right hand to hold something in case of trouble. So why didn’t the rest of the world do the same? Because of Napoleon Bonaparte.

He insisted that his armies marched on the right, and as he marched through Europe, he impose his rule whenever he went. In the twentieth century Adolf Hitler did the same. The question suggest that only the British drive on the left, but in fact, out of 178 countries in the world, there are about 50 that drive on the left, including Japan. However, most of them are former British colonies.

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