martes, 14 de agosto de 2007


If there is one thing that virtually all the world’s various countries have in common, it is rituals. There is no doubt that several people often devote at least few minutes a day to carry out rituals which are supposed to grant the fulfilment of certain desires with ease and comfort. Although, rituals help people to make daily chores easily, it cannot be denied that this weird way of behaving often provokes mind’s impairments.

To start with, it is widely recognised that several people tend to carry out different kinds of rituals in order to achieve their deepest desires. It is known that some ritualistic people have a tendency to think that somehow rituals provide them with the strength to overcome their burdens. For example, a simple horse shoe, a four leaf clover or a rabbit leg are seen as pieces of good luck which endow certain people with the opportunity to reach their ideals.

On the other hand, there exists proven evidence that football is an issue which generates different kind of rituals, which in some specific cases turn into obsessions. It is often claim that football supporters often find themselves as the subject of criticism by members of their family or even worse by members of the community. They are often labelled as lunatics due to their way of behaving.

All in all, I think that most of us have a need of having a ritual which provides us with the possibility of getting over some difficulties at some point in our lives. Fully understanding the reason why people usually carry out uncanny rituals, may be as difficult as understanding the human mind itself.

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