martes, 14 de agosto de 2007

Cruelty to Animals

Most people like to think that they live in a civilised society, and yet many countries treat animals with terrible cruelty. They are frequently caged in unthinkable conditions and used in experiments which involve a great deal of suffering. Is there any justification for this?

I am of the opinion that no wild animal should be kept in captivity except in the following cases. Firstly, if an animal is injured. Secondly, if a species is endangered and captive breeding will help to save it from extinction. In no other circumstances do I believe that caging a wild animal is defensible.
There are too many zoos or circuses where animals are kept in cramped conditions or made to perform ridiculous tricks. I find this intolerable.

As for experimenting on animals, I feel very strongly that we should be aware of the cruelty often inflicted in this way. While some experiments may be essential if we are to cure diseases like cancer, it is also the fact that many are pointless. All too often they are used to test cosmetics or perfumes which people just don’t need. These experiments often prove little, as there is no guarantee that a product will have the same effect on a human being as it does on an animal.

The more we discover about nature, the more we realise that human beings have a great deal in common with other animals. We know for example, that human beings are very close to chimpanzees and that even the octopus is highly intelligent. We also know that most animals can feel depression and anxiety. How can we turn a blind eye to the pain they often suffer in cages and laboratories? And equally how can we trade in wild animals when we know this may help to doom them to extinction?

To sump up, I would agree that it is unacceptable to keep wild animals in captivity or to experiment on them, except in very few cases. We understand much more about animal behaviour now than in the past and this should promp us to treat animals with respect. Failure to do so is, I believe, barbaric.

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