martes, 14 de agosto de 2007

The role of women in society

There is no other individual or institution whose role has been discussed so extensively as that of women. Historically, a women has played one an only one role: she had to become a mother or a wife; in the last 150 years, however, she has had a vast participation in other fields and has gained rights which can sometimes be regarded as a loss if we considered that now she has multiplied her tasks without increasing her wages.
On the other hand, we cannot ignore that the role she plays in a community depends on which society we are discussing religious, social, cultural patterns will determine whether a woman can reach the presidency of a nation or if she will be relegated to the kitchen and the nursery. Anyway, one fact cannot be denied; famine participation I son the increase and it is not going to stop.
To start with, we have to remember that, since primitive times, a woman had to fulfil a twofold task: to love, respect and obey her husband, and to bring up her children, while the master of the house worked hard in order to support his family. The so-called privileges that a woman enjoyed brought about submission very low self-esteem, and, most of all, an inferiority complex that would last for centuries. To make matters worse, her position in the world and what was expected from her filled her with guilt if she did not excel in her chores. She did not dream of wanting to go out and fight or even appear intelligent. That was her husband’s role.
But the 20th century came along, and with it, the two world wars, and, in a round way, they were an asset for the weaker sex. Men went to the battlefield and women had to take the posts that so far man had held as the strongholds of their sex. And then, women discovered that, after all, male tasks were no so difficult; and she could take care of the home the children and her job. Troubles started when the war ended and husbands came back home to their families and to their jobs. Now the time had come for a woman to prove that she could compete and win on an equal foot.

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